Executive Team
Adam Townley
Chief Executive Officer
CEO Adam Townley is a Sydney-based chartered accountant with over 25 years of experience and leadership in financial markets.
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He is credited with setting up one of the first carbon funds in London (2003) and has published books on insolvency and bankruptcy. Adam has acted as Director in a number of roles and industries. He is a commercialisation and corporate specialist who uses design thinking processes to implement market technologies such as Waste to Energy, Fintech, AgTech and Telematics. Adam has been the Director for Ai Carbon (AiC) for eight years overseeing numerous carbon projects within Australia.
Hafiz Stewart
Head of Science and Strategy
Hafiz Stewart is a South Australian based ecologist with 25+ years’ experience working across the Australian rangelands for the private and public sector.
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Hafiz has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Natural Resource Management, and an Honours Degree in Zoology from the University of Adelaide.
Hafiz combines a detailed knowledge of arid ecology gained while completing decades of field work in the Outback with high-level program management skills. Hafiz successfully led one of the largest scale revegetation and restoration programs in the Murray Darling Basin and provided state-wide program coordination for the ‘Saving our Species’ program for the New South Wales Government. Hafiz leads AIC’s field operations and provides ecological oversight for the field survey and mapping programs.
Varis Lidums
Chief Financial Officer
Varis is a Chartered Accountant with a Bachelor of Laws degree with over 30 years of Commercial and Accounting experience gained in London and Australia.
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He has extensive financial and corporate governance experience with ASX Listed companies, including capital raisings, takeovers, floating companies on the ASX (IPO) and asset acquisitions and divestments. Varis was formerly a Councillor of the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME) and Chair of SACOME’s Finance, Risk and Audit Committee.